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Berica Trains

With a totally artisanal production, the Noventa Vicentina company continuously innovates its products so that they are always updated to market demands. The creativity of the carousel masters reigns supreme in the production process, which includes all phases, from design to final testing.

The specialization of Berica Trains, over twenty years, on Lilliputian trains has been essential to create the latest products, which meet the needs dictated by European regulations. More than three years ahead, Berica Trains rides the electric wave.



From design to delivery, attractions are continuously subjected to functional testing and testing. The customer is guaranteed a tested and guaranteed product even after sales.


Based on the use and need, you can choose various types of attractions: electric, diesel, rail, monorail or roller coaster, the Berica Trains catalog satisfies all types of fun.

How we work

The designer creates the shape, the designer gives the operation, the model maker shapes the train, the carpenter creates the frame, the coachbuilder gives the image  to the body and to the end  the assembler joins the two parts with all the components.


For  elucidations or solutions of problems, the technicians of  Berica Trains are always available, even after sales. Assistance is always guaranteed, even on the other side of the world, with a warehouse that includes all spare parts.

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